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L. Minutes - July 18, 2012, Approved
JULY 18, 2012
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday,  July 18, 2012 at 7:30 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. McCrea, Ms. Keenan, Ms. Bellin, Mr. Spang and Mr. Hart.

Salem Intermodal Station – Review/comment on Expanded Environmental Notification Form

Ms. Guy stated that a copy of the Expanded Environmental Notification Form (EENF) for the Salem Intermodal Station was submitted to the Executive Office of Energy and Environment (EEA).  The MBTA is requesting a waiver from the requirement of an EIR.  Present were Holly Palmgren of the MBTA and Maureen Cavanaugh of Epsilon Associates.

Ms. Palmgren distributed copies of the handout from a recent scoping session.  She stated that the MBTA has filed an expanded ENF and has asked for a waiver from an EIR.  She noted that the trigger is the Chapter 91 permit.  She stated that all information that would be in an EIR has been included in the expanded ENF.  She stated that there have been numerous public meetings going over design issues and that there is another in September.  She stated that comments on the waiver requests are due on July 20th.  Ms. Palmgren stated that for the Salem Signal Tower, the  project will include work to the exterior of building; however, the scope is not fully defined.   She stated that ground penetrating radar showed possible remnants of turntable and roundhouse.  They will be doing a full excavation.  She noted that there is a separate parallel Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) process, which began when the Project Notification Form (PNF) was filed with MHC.  They will continue to work with MHC and the Commission after this waiver process.  The proposed is a five level garage and the exterior treatment design process is ongoing.  60% plans will be available September 24th.  The finalized design will be completed in the winter.  She expected that MHC will issue an Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) and the Commission will be a concurring party.

Ms. Cavanaugh stated that the MOA draft will probably be in the Fall.

Ms. Palmgren stated that it will be likely after the archaeology is done.

Ms. Duncan asked when the Commission will have its first opportunity to be involved in the process.

Ms. Palmgren replied that the first opportunity is now, as well as when the archaeological report is provided to MHC and the Commission.  She stated that moving forward will be consultation meetings, defining the scope of the signal tower and the draft MOA.  She added that the start of the consultation process began when the PNF was submitted.  

Ms. Herbert asked that Ms. Guy be kept informed to ensure the Commission has time to comment.

Ms. Palmgren stated that she will come to any meetings in order to go over the details.  She stated that MHC will comment on the expanded ENF and that the archaeological report will likely recommend the roundhouse listing on the National Register.  Once the archaeological report is reviewed, MHC will make an effect finding.  She stated that they anticipate an adverse effect finding.  The MBTA will propose mitigation in response to the finding, such as the  renovation of the exterior of the Signal Tower and data recovery for archaeological site.

Ms. Duncan thanked the MBTA representatives for attending the meeting.  She stated that she hoped the Commission will vote to send a letter supporting the waiver request.  She noted that the historic resources review and the consultation process continues on its own track and will offer the same opportunity to comment.  She stated that she would like to see the process move forward as efficiently as possible and did not want to see a delay of 12-15 months if an EIR were required.  She noted that it would likely would result in a construction cost increase.  She stated that she did think the delay would serve any purpose.  She added that the Conservation Commission voted to support waiver and that the project will still go through Chapter 91 and the local Conservation Commission process, as well.  

Ms. Palmgren stated that the Chapter 91 process also takes into consideration historic resource impacts and asks for public comment.  She noted that the schedule hinges on the waiver.

Mr. Hart asked, if an EIR is required, what would be in the EIR that would go beyond what is in the ENF.

Ms. Palmgren stated that she did not feel there would be anything.  They feel that they put all info in the ENF that would be required in an EIR.  She stated that a typical ENF is not this large.

Mr. Hart stated that there is an apparent notification that the signal tower work will be done according to the Secretary of the Interiors Standards, which will be monitored by MHC with the Public Archaeology Laboratory (PAL) doing the work and Epsilon monitoring the process.

Ms. Bellin asked if the information, that would have been in the EIR but is in the ENF, is subject to the same review process.

Ms. Palmgren replied in the affirmation, but noted that it would not be as long a process with the waiver.  She stated that once the waiver is granted, they can start the Chapter 91 filing and complete the MHC review.  She stated that they can’t apply for Chapter 91 until MEPA is finished.

Ms. Cavanaugh stated that the ENF notifies the public and provides opportunity for agencies and the public to comment and comes up with a MEPA scope for the EIR.  For this project, the impact is not that great so, in consultation with MEPA, they anticipated the areas they needed to focus on and MEPA concurred.  She stated that they anticipated and addressed the areas.

Ms. Bellin asked what is Chapter 91.

Ms. Palmgren stated that it is for waterways.  She stated that, if not for that, it would not have had a MEPA trigger.  She noted that the entire site is paved now.  They are not removing any green space, but are adding more public green space.   

Ms. Duncan stated that the Commission does not have to say it support the waiver because it feels everything beyond historic resources has been met.  She stated that the Commission can just say it looks forward to and is comfortable with further review and with working with MHC and the MBTA through the rest of the process.

Mr. Spang asked, if waived, when do they anticipate finishing the review.

Ms. Palmgren stated that she believed it will be in August.  She stated that they will put out a draft decision first, at the end of July, which will allow for public comment.  They will then issue a final certificate.  If granted the waiver, they will make the finding that this information is enough and that no more MEPA review is required.  She noted that it is not a permit, just that all impacts have been identified.  She stated that they will know by the end of July, although they won’t have final approval until August.

Mr. Spang asked if MEPA concurs with the request for a waiver, are they concurring that they are comfortable with the mitigation determined in ENF.

Ms. Palmgren replied in the negative.  She stated that they would be concurring that impacts have been identified.  It will still go through the MHC and Chapter 91 process.

Ms. Duncan stated that the process relative to historic resources is the same whether or not the waiver is granted.    She stated that it will likely be determined to have an adverse effect, have a consultation process and a MOA in MHC review process.  She stated that the Commission can request to be interested party.  She stated that there is nothing to be gained by requiring an EIR – and that only time and money will be lost.  

Mr. Hart asked how MHC gets involved in the process.

Ms. Palmgren stated that it started with the submission of the PNF.

Ms. Duncan noted that when the bypass road was reviewed, the Commission wanted renovation of the Signal Tower in that project.  It was not included because it was planned for the MBTA garage project.  She stated that she personally felt it was great that the Signal Tower has been added to the garage project now.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart made a motion to support the waiver. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion all were in favor and the motion so carried.

VOTE:  Ms. McCrea made a motion to send a letter in support of the waiver to MEPA, copied to MHC, and asking to be part of all processes.  Ms. Keenan seconded the motion all were in favor and the motion so carried.

248 Lafayette Street

Witch City Holdings, LLC submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to paint the existing aluminum siding, trim and shutters.  The original shutters will be retained and painted black.  The trim will be Navajo White and the body color will be a grey/green as shown in the photo (rear of building in proposed color).  Brad Allen was present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Mr. Allen stated that it is an eleven unit apartment building.  They will use Melville from California Paints for the body.  He noted that they started painting the rear and realized it was a different district than the SRA.  Shutters will be removed temporarily for painting.

Ms. Herbert asked if the wooden balustrade is in decent condition.

Mr. Allen stated that it will be repaired and repainted.

Mr. Spang asked if the paint will stick to the aluminum siding.

Mr. Allen replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Herbert asked if the siding can be power washed and if they have any chipping.

Mr. Allen stated that parts are chipping.  He noted that even after power wash, it would not look like a newly painted house.

Mr. Hart stated that it is normally a baked on finish for aluminum.

Mr. Allen stated that he asked the painter and was told that he has painted aluminum in the past and was told that it should not peel or chip for a long time.

Mr. Spang stated that he has never heard of trying to paint aluminum.  He questioned if it will need painting in a year.  He added that it may be an improvement of what is there today.

Mr. Hart stated that metal is far different than wood in terms of painting.  He noted that wood is effected by expansion, etc.   He stated that he had no problem painting aluminum.  

Ms. Guy stated that aluminum siding is already not appropriate, so painting it is not going to make it more inappropriate.

Ms. Herbert stated that she noticed there is some rot.

Mr. Allen stated that they will make repairs.

Ms. Herbert asked if they will paint out the mechanical things so that they disappear.

Mr. Allen replied in the affirmative.

VOTE:  Ms. McCrea made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

13 River Street

Richard & Cynthia Johnson submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the open picket fence with a closed picket fence of the same height and material.  The will replace with pressure treated wood.  The existing fence has rot and missing pickets and they would like closed picket for their dog.  

 Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Ms. Herbert noted that they have back to back gardens with the neighbor and that a closed picket will eliminate air flow and some light exchange.  She suggested a picket with small spacing, such as 1” or 1 ½”.  

Mr. Hart asked if there will be two horizontal stringers.

Mr. Johnson replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Spang asked the material of the fence.

Mr. Johnson stated that it would be pressure treated wood.

Mr. Hart suggested using cedar, noting it is easier to work with.

Mr. Johnson stated that he is fine with that.

Mr. Spang asked if the fence will be painted.

Mr. Johnson stated that it will be painted to match the front fence, which is slightly off white.

Ms. Bellin asked if the new fence will be the same fence but with closer spacing.

Mr. Johnson replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Hart suggested that the pickets be 3/4" – 1” apart.

Ms. Bellin stated that the finish side should face out to the neighbors.

Mr. Hart asked about the posts.

Ms. Herbert stated that right now they have old chain link fence posts.  

Mr. Hart stated that if there will be posts, they will want to establish what the centers are and the cap.   

Ms. Herbert stated that the fence should be a couple inches off the ground to keep from rotting.

Carol Carr, 7 River Street, stated that the fence now is natural.  She stated that painting a fence is a pain in the neck, as it always needs paint and will have two gardens against it.

Ms. Herbert stated that side fences are more often unpainted, and that formal or front fences are painted.

Mr. Hart suggested using stain, which tends not to peel.

Ms. Guy stated that either natural or painted is appropriate; therefore the Commission could give the option.

Mr. Hart suggested continuing the application to the next meeting so that the applicant can come back with a design that includes on center of dimensions of posts, the cap, height off ground, etc..  

VOTE:   Ms. Bellin made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

13 Beckford Street

Michael and Karen Williamson submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a fireplace vent termination cap to accommodate a gas-fire fireplace in their livingroom.  The cap will be a DirectVent Pro sconce termination cap, stock #46DVA-HSC.  It will be located on the south façade (left side of house), between the first and second window, but higher in elevation to both.  The termination will be approximately 13’6” from the front edge of the house, 12’ above grade level, and 2’ above the top of the first floor windows.  Along that side of the house is an existing kitchen hood termination, an existing gas meter and two bathroom exhaust vent terminations (on the second floor).  The neighbor’s house also has their mechanical equipment/terminations in this same area.  The fence and neighbors house are close to the side where the terminations will be located, preventing a view from the street.  The fence is 4’ from the house.  The neighbor’s house is 8’ from their house.  Their house sits approximately 12’6” from the street, while the neighbor’s house abuts the sidewalk.  The vent will be 26’ from the sidewalk.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Sketch of lot and south elevation
  • Simpson Dura-Vent catalog cut
Ms. Bellin asked if the new termination is the same size as the existing kitchen vent.

Mr. Williamson stated that it is basically the same size.

Mr. Hart stated that it will be somewhat visible in Winter.  He stated that it is an old firehouse,  which typically would have things coming off them.

VOTE:  Mr. Spang made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Mr. Hart seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

354-356 Essex Street

Nick Nowak, Amy and Jeremy Jones and Herb and Leanne Schild submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install a chimney cap on the main chimney, the same style as 348, 346, 343 and 328 Essex and 3 Beckford Streets.  Jeremy Jones present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • A-Z Chimney Seeps & Repairs catalog cut
Mr. Jones stated that they share a chimney with the neighbor, who had gotten approval for the masonry repair, but did not get the cap approval.  It will be  powder coated black.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted.  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

356 Essex Street

Nick Nowak and Amy and Jeremy Jones submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to repair the front porch, replace porch floor and stairs with 1 x 4 cambara mahogany and stain, replace railing with round balusters to match existing on gate, replace newel post with on that has a cap and paint balusters, handrail, newel post and risers to match existing trim.  Jeremy Jones and Steve Whittier were present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Mr. Whittier stated that the porch has original balusters which would need to be custom made to replicate.

Ms. Herbert stated that round is a big departure from what is there.  She wondered if there is a similar stock baluster that might be better.

Mr. Whittier stated that the existing is 1 ½ square and that what is at Home Depot is much thinner.

Ms. Herbert asked if they should be mixed or have a more sculptured picket with a little less detail, but uniform.  She stated that she did not want to see round right next to turned balusters.  She asked if there could be new turned balusters, that are slightly smaller in scale, but would have same effect.  She stated that another option is to get a price from John Jeffers for turned  balusters.

Mr. Whittier stated that the intent is to maintain the porch balusters which are original.

Ms. Herbert suggested bringing one baluster to Jeffers.  

Mr. Whittier stated that they don’t all match.

Ms. Herbert stated that she would want a newel post at the end.

Mr. Whittier stated that there is existing wrought iron

Mr. Jones stated that it circles around to the bushes, but doesn’t go all the way up.

Ms. Herbert stated that it is important to the house.

Mr. Jones stated that they are working with a budget.

Mr. Spang stated that he was not convinced that same rails would have to come down the steps.  He stated that he wondered if someone else has one in tact.

Ms. Herbert stated that maybe it could be a simple iron rail.

Mr. Jones stated that he has an 82 year old mother that needs to get up and down steps using a railing.

Mr. Whittier stated that he believe the adjoining unit has iron.

Ms. Herbert suggested talking to other owner and coming back on August 1st.

Mr. Jones stated that Mary Whitney wants to add a newel post on the stair.

Mr. Whittier suggested looking to see what balusters are there now and finding something close  and also looking into custom made.

Ms. Herbert stated that a third option might be metal railing.

Mr. Jones asked if he can replace in kind.

Ms. Guy questioned if it meets building code.

Ms. Bellin suggested not having both sides match.  

Ms. Herbert asked if the deck is fir.

Mr. Whittier stated that it is mahogany and that they will change the steps to 1 x 4’s.

Ms. Bellin asked if the stairs are now a single piece which will be replaced with multiple boards.

Mr. Whittier replied in the affirmative.

Mr. Jones stated that it will help water to drain.

Mr. Spang asked if they will be replacing the decking between now and August 1st.

Mr. Whittier replied in the negative.  He noted that Ms. Whitney is very involved.

Mr. Jones stated that she is currently out of town.

Mr. Whittier stated that in the interim, they can come up with the details.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting. Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

24 Winter Street

Jeffrey and Ann Laaff submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness for a new custom wood overhead carriage house door painted to match existing trim color.  The size is 10’6” x 7’0”.  It will have two new Colonial lanterns in dark finish, painted wood clapboard siding at exterior wall infill to match and 5/4 wood painted door casings to match.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Pierce Architects drawings
  • Hahn’s Woodworking Company, Inc. specifications
  • Lamps Plus catalog cut
Mr. Spang asked if they will paint to match existing.

Mr. Laaff replied in the affirmative.

Ms. Herbert noted that the Commission does not have jurisdiction over lanterns.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

18 Felt Street

Ms. Herbert stated that she would continue to abstain from voting due to the possibility that she may be doing some work for the developer.

In continuation of a prior meeting, Ice Cat, LLC submitted an application to Waive the Demolition Delay Ordinance for the removal of the barn.  The barn is in disrepair.  Removal is needed to allow subdivision of the property per variance granted 4/4/12 to add an additional lot to the property for a new house to be built. The applicant was not present.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
  • Site Study dated 5/2/12 by Schopf Design Associates
Mr. Hart stated that he understood the property has been sold and that the waiver is immaterial.  

Ms. Bellin asked if it runs with land.

Ms. Guy replied in the negative and stated that the new owner will need to submit a new application.  She stated that she has not gotten a withdrawal as yet.

VOTE:   Mr. Hart made a motion to continue the application to the next meeting .  Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.  Ms. Herbert abstained from voting.

Community Preservation Act – Discussion

City Councillor Tom Furey has introduced an Order to get the Community Preservation Act on the ballot in the fall.  There was a subcommittee meeting last week, which some Commission members attended and some links for information was forwarded to members via email.  She asked if the Commission wants to vote to support getting the CPA on the ballot and to send a letter to the City Council.  If so, she recommended that the Commission identify some historic preservation projects that could benefit from the CPA.

Ms. Herbert stated that the CPA is a surcharge, roughly $30 a year on real estate tax bill.  Elderly will be exempt.  The first $100,000 of house value is exempt.  Funds can be used for open space & recreation, housing and historic preservation.  

Mr. Hart stated that the state takes recording fees from registry transfers.  This pot of money is used for towns who join the program.  He stated that at least 10% must be spent in each of the 3 categories each year.  

Ms. McCrea stated that the reason it has came up again, is the state passed a law that allows cities to use other funds for the match, where they could not before.

Mr. Hart stated that now the funds can be used for repairs of buildings, where they couldn’t before.

Ms. Herbert stated that the kinds of projects she would like to use CPA funds for would be renovations to City Hall, Salem Common fence, etc.

Mr. Hart stated that he, Ms. Herbert and Ms. McCrea testified at the City Council; meeting.  

Ms. Herbert stated that in 2007, the CPA lost on the ballot by a few hundred votes.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to send a letter to the City Council supporting putting the CPA on the ballot.  Ms. Keenan seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.


Ms. Guy stated that she received a request to extend the Certificate of Non-applicability dated 8/18/11 for 34 Chestnut Street until December 1, 2012 for the repair of fence posts.

VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the request as submitted. Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Ms. Guy stated that the Commission received a copy of a letter from Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) to EMG, Inc. regarding 8-10 Chase Street’s FDIC Insured Transaction and requesting more information

Ms. Guy stated that the City received an award from MHC for $40,700 in MPPF funds for the Salem Common fence.

Ms. Guy stated that the State Review Board will be reviewing the City’s nomination of the North Street Fire House to the National Register on December 12, 2012.

Other Business

Ms. Guy stated that Commission members received a request from DCAM to review and comment on the proposed renovation and rehabilitation of the Registry of Deeds building in accordance with Stipulation #6 of the MOA of the courthouse.  She suggested that someone be delegated to attend these meetings on behalf of the Commission.

Ms. Guy stated that she attended a City One-Stop meeting and got an overview of the proposed PEM expansion.  It will include demolition of several properties – scheduled for September, 2013.  

Ms. Guy stated that she spoke with Rick Rennard regarding sidewalks.   She stated that he verified that the replace asphalt with asphalt and concrete with concrete.  She stated that he said the city will allow brick, but will only take care of the preparation and will not pay for the brick or the brick installation.

Mr. Hart stated that he felt the City Council should have a plan, so that the city is not patchwork.  He felt there should be discussion with Lynn Duncan.

Mr. Hart stated that he met with Rick Bonfanti and took interior and exterior photos.  He has copies for HSI, Mr. Bonfanti and the Commission.

VOTE: There being no further business, Ms. Bellin made a motion to adjourn.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission